Your treatment path
at a glance
Let’s see what’s ahead
Ready to make the most of your ENTYVIO journey? Though no 2 paths are the same, this page will guide you through key steps of the treatment experience and point you in the direction of where you can find additional information. You can come back to this page as many times as needed during your experience with ENTYVIO so you always know what’s next.
Confused as to which step you may be on? Reach out to your healthcare provider or an EntyvioConnect Nurse Educator to ask.
If you haven't been prescribed ENTYVIO yet, visit our main site to explore how ENTYVIO may be able to help you.

Get Prescribed ENTYVIO
Every ENTYVIO journey starts with a prescription from your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider will discuss with you how you would like to receive ENTYVIO—either through IV infusions or self-administered injection under the skin (subcutaneous). We’ll dig into the details of this in later steps, but regardless of which option you’re prescribed, you’ll receive at least 2 starter doses of ENTYVIO by intravenous (IV) infusion.

While talking to your doctor, make sure to ask any questions you have about taking ENTYVIO.
What should I do now?
Schedule your first infusion. This could happen at a healthcare provider’s office, an infusion center, or your home.
Wondering if there’s an infusion center close to home? Use our Infusion Center Finder to find one that’s convenient for you.
Find an Infusion Center
Received the ENTYVIO
Starter Kit
This kit has helpful information and resources for people getting started on ENTYVIO, including a universal restroom access card and a printed copy of this treatment map. If you didn’t receive your kit when you were prescribed ENTYVIO, talk to your healthcare provider.

What should I do now?
Dig into all the resources in your kit and online. The more you know, the more confident you’ll be.
You can find digital versions of some of the Starter Kit resources in the “Resources for Everyone” section of our Resources page.
Explore Downloads
EntyvioConnect offers resources to help you after you’ve been prescribed ENTYVIO. Here are 4 ways EntyvioConnect can help you:
- Get one-on-one nurse support with a Nurse Educator who can answer questions about ENTYVIO and help you make the most out of every doctor visit (they cannot, however, provide medical advice)
- A Patient Support Manager will work with you and your doctor’s office to check eligibility requirements for available resources offered. If you’ve been prescribed the ENTYVIO Pen, you can ask your Patient Support Manager to send you the self-injection training kit too—which includes a travel cooler, injection placemat, and even a practice pen so you can get more comfortable self-injecting
- Ask for financial and insurance help from a specialist who can help you navigate co-pay assistance and out-of-pocket costs. With our Co-Pay Program, you may pay as little as $5 per dose if you meet eligibility requirements
- Receive ongoing support and get treatment reminders and useful information, including healthy recipes

What should I do now?
Get in touch with your EntyvioConnect Nurse Educator. They can provide you with resources and information but cannot offer medical advice.
Haven’t signed up yet? Explore all the ways EntyvioConnect can make your journey as stress-free as possible.
Sign Up Now
Starter IV Doses
Everyone who starts on ENTYVIO will have 2 or more starter doses by intravenous (IV) infusion.
For people prescribed
IV infusions
Week 0
Week 2
Week 6
You will receive ENTYVIO by infusion at
Weeks 0, 2, and 6.
For people prescribed self-administered injections
Week 0
Week 2
You will receive ENTYVIO by infusion at
Weeks 0 and 2.
What should I do now?
Get in touch with your EntyvioConnect Nurse Educator. They can provide you with resources and information but cannot offer medical advice.
Want to know more about starting treatment? Dig into the details about the first steps of treatment, including navigating coverage authorization with your insurance company.
Read the Details
Maintenance Evaluation
After your starter IV doses, your healthcare provider may check in with you to see how the treatment is going. Not all patients will need a maintenance evaluation, but if your doctor does require one, they may ask you to track your symptoms to see how well your body is responding to ENTYVIO.
Transitioning from IV to the ENTYVIO Pen? Your doctor will determine when it's appropriate for you to transition.
Safety Considerations
Do not receive ENTYVIO if you have had an allergic reaction to ENTYVIO or any of its ingredients. Infusion-related and serious allergic reactions can happen while you are receiving ENTYVIO or several hours after treatment. ENTYVIO may increase your risk of getting a serious infection.
Please see additional Important Safety Information below.

First IV Maintenance Dose
Once you’ve received your starter doses of ENTYVIO, you begin your follow-up doses (known as maintenance doses). 8 weeks after your third IV infusion starter dose, you’ll receive your first maintenance dose.

What should I do now?
Build an infusion day bag! A blanket, book, tablet, snacks—whatever you need to feel comfortable during your infusions.
Read more about what the experience of continuing treatment with ENYTVIO is like.
Read the Details
Ongoing IV Maintenance
You will continue to receive ENTYVIO by IV infusion every 8 weeks.

- In the first year, you’ll receive 8 doses of ENTYVIO
- After the first year, you’ll receive 6 doses each year
What should I do now?
Stay in touch with your healthcare team about how you're feeling. Keeping a log of your symptoms in between visits can help you make the most of each conversation.
You can also connect with other patients through Entyvio Connections. Patient Ambassadors with the Entyvio Connections program know what it's like to live with UC or Crohn's and can share their experiences with you.
Talk to a Patient Ambassador
Receive Self-Injection
Training Kit
This kit includes a training guide, practice pen, alcohol wipes, and more, all tucked inside a portable cooler you can use to take your medication on the go. Reach out to your EntyvioConnect support team to receive your training kit.
Haven’t signed up for EntyvioConnect yet? Now's the time!
Feel like you need a little extra self-injection training? Reach out to your healthcare provider, or an EntyvioConnect Nurse Educator, to get a live training session set up.

What should I do now?
Coordinate with your specialty pharmacy to arrange delivery of your first self-injection. If you don't hear from your specialty pharmacy, reach out to your healthcare provider or call 1-844-ENTYVIO (1-844-368-9846).
Watch our ENTYVIO Pen video to see the steps for self-injection.
Watch Now
First Self-Injection
Maintenance Dose
After you receive training from your healthcare provider or EntyvioConnect Nurse Educator, you’re ready to administer your first maintenance injection. Make sure to read the full Instructions for Use included with your prescription.
It’s important to stay on schedule with your ENTYVIO treatments. It may also help to track your symptoms. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns throughout your treatment.
What should I do now?
Set a reminder on your phone to inject ENTYVIO every 2 weeks.
Want more tips for treatment? Read more about what the experience of continuing treatment with the ENTYVIO Pen is like.

Ongoing Self-Injection
You’ll continue to self-administer ENTYVIO every 2 weeks, or up to 26 times per year.

Every 2 Weeks
What should I do now?
Stay in touch with your healthcare team about how you're feeling. Keeping a log of your symptoms in between visits can help you make the most of each conversation.
You can also connect with other patients through Entyvio Connections. Patient Ambassadors with the Entyvio Connections Program know what it's like to live with UC or Crohn's and can share their experiences with you.
Talk to a Patient AmbassadorSafety Considerations
Do not receive ENTYVIO if you have had an allergic reaction to ENTYVIO or any of its ingredients. Infusion-related and serious allergic reactions can happen while you are receiving ENTYVIO or several hours after treatment. ENTYVIO may increase your risk of getting a serious infection.
Please see additional Important Safety Information below.